
On The Go

Have you ever had those, days...scratch that...weeks....scratch that...months where you feel like there is just never enough time in they day to even sit down?  Welcome to my October.  It has been one of the busiest months I can remember and my to-do lists (yes, plural) keep getting longer and longer.  Have you felt like this lately?  Join the club. 

My recommendation would be to find something, just one thing, to keep you a little bit more sane and have it be your time.  My outlet: teaching Irish dance.  I have been fortunate enough to be a part of Trinity Academy of Irish Dance for 16 years.  Wow typing that out just made me realize that I have been dancing since the students I teach were born. Reality check.

From my first Oireachtas...
...to my last Oireachtas
Besides the fact that I have had some of the most amazing opportunities to see and travel the world through Trinity, the people I grew up with and work with are just absolutely incredible.  There's really no other way to explain it, and I am truly very lucky to be a part of such a supportive organization.  You can find more info on their Facebook page.  By the way, if you are not a part of the Irish dance community and want to know what the heck Oireachtas means, feel free to ask at any time.

In addition to my Irish dance outlet, I have had to get crafty with making meals.  I now try to make one home-cooked, sit-down meal a week because that's all I have time for, but for the other days I need to get strategic, and the prep time needs to be short.  To prep for my week a couple weeks ago, I made pasta.  A lot of pasta.  This is great to keep in the fridge and there are so many different toppings that it changes enough to use throughout the week.  Here was my easy on-the-go meal (and I had plenty pasta left for some new creations throughout the week):

 Voila! Pasta with EVOO, parmesan, spinach and basil.  If I had bread crumbs and pine nuts I would have definitely added them into the mix, but I didn't.

What are some of your on-the-go meals and tips to stay somewhat sane through the madness?

Happy almost Halloween and cheers to November!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love meal tips like this! Thanks!